Laser Hair Removal for PCOS
What is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)?
Women with PCOS produce higher than normal amounts of male hormones when in the reproductive age of mid teens to mid 40's. Of this age group 2.2-26.7% of women have PCOS, which is a lower number because many women have PCOS and don't know it. Issues that we can help treat that are caused by PCOS are: excessive facial hair, acne scarring, and ingrown hairs.
What is the Best Treatment for PCOS Hair Growth?
Laser hair removal can be a very effective treatment for common side effects for PCOS including: facial hair, scarring, and ingrown hairs.
Is Laser Hair Removal for PCOS Right for You?
We have a Triple Board Certified Doctor (Dr. Sturm DO, DABA, FIPP) in the building at all times that you will meet during your consultation if you have any questions. Also anytime your getting a treatment done, if you have questions for Dr. Sturm, he will answer them for you!
What are Laser Hair Treatments like?
Everyone’s treatment plan will be different depending on several factors such as hair color / type, body area, and skin tone. These factors are then used to determine how treatments will be administered to achieve your goals. We can treat anyone with our great GentleMax Pro Laser from Candela. Once the treatment begins, a laser is delivered through a small handheld device used by your practitioner. Once the laser light is directed at the skin, the targeted area then absorbs it, and converts it to heat, effectively killing the hair follicle.
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
Laser hair removal is not painful, you can feel a little discomfort but we also have numbing cream if needed. After you get laser hair removal, there is no pain. We use a specialized system to minimize any discomfort of the procedure. Micro bursts of cryogen are sprayed on the targeted area just milliseconds before the laser fires. This protects the surrounding cells thereby preventing much of the pain in the first place as well as minimizing post treatment redness.
Find out if Laser Hair Removal for PCOS is Right for You
Laser Hair Removal St. Louis Cost
How much would you pay to be hair free in an annoying place? It turns out, its not that much. It's one of the most important questions to ask, is about laser hair removal cost. We use the same laser as the "big name companies" without the big price tag that comes with it, and our laser technicians are certified as well. By the way, want to know why "Big Laser Companies" charge so much? Check out this blog post. Anyways, here are our current prices:

Target Areas | Single Treatment | 6 Treatments |
Small Areas: -Hands -Nipples (Areola): (Breast Area) -Toes and Feet -Underarms (Armpits) -Bikini Line: (Sides) -Ears | $58.17 per treatment | $349 - 6 Treatments |
Medium Areas: -Abdomen: (Includes Happy Trail) -Brazilian -Buttocks -Neck (Men): (Beard Line Front & Back) -Full Face & Neck | $83.17 per treatment | $499 - 6 Treatments |
Large Areas: -Back: (Includes Shoulders to Waistline) -Chest (Torso): (Collarbone to Waistline) -Lower Legs (Includes Knees & Feet) -Upper Legs (Includes Knees) | $149.83 per treatment | $899 - 6 Treatments |
*Prices may vary
**Need at least 24 hours of notice for cancellation for an appointment or will forfeit a treatment
Single Treatment Costs
6 treatments usually removes hair fully. If you need more treatments, each treatment cost 1/6th of the 6 treatment price. There are no price hikes after purchasing the 6 treatment package here.
Laser Hair Removal Before & After
Patient #1
Hirsutism Laser Hair Removal
Before and After


Patient #2
Men's Back Laser Hair Removal
Before and After

After (2 Treatments)

Patient #3
Hirsutism Laser Hair Removal
Before and After


Are you Dealing with Unwanted & Excessive Facial Hair?
No woman likes to admit having facial hair, but it's one of the most common aesthetic complaints in beauty. Laser Hair Removal on your face is a great way to get rid of unwanted facial hair, known as hirsutism or PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), and it affects millions of women of all ages. Laser hair removal has shown to be extremely helpful in our clients with excessive hair growth in women. Some notice a difference in just one treatment.
Find out if Laser Hair Removal for PCOS is Right for You
We also Offer:
Laser Hair Removal for PCOS
We will need to talk on the phone to schedule your appointment.